Animal Communication and Human Holistic Healing Testimonial Featured Banner Image with horses and dog


Animal Communication Testimonials

⬇⬇ skip down for testimonials and reviews for Holistic Healing & experiences at Finca la Pipilacha ⬇⬇

Jeanne, Paris, France

Ana Cristina González, Costa Rica

Mi testimonio acerca de la comunicación animal es :Es maravilloso darse cuenta de lo que nuestro animalito han pasado y gracias a la comunicación podemos entenderlos y  tratarlos mucho mejor, yo tuve la oportunidad de comunicarme con un perrito q adoptamos, él tenía un trauma tanto psicológico como físico y cuando lo adoptamos él se sentía nervioso y con la comunicación lo logramos entender y con el cuidado necesario logro adaptarse a nosotros es algo impresionante lo q la comunicación animal nos ayuda a nosotros los humanos a conocerlos mejor… Gracias a las personas como Amania por ayudarnos con nuestras mascotas…

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My testimony about animal communication is: It’s wonderful to realize what our little animals have gone through, and thanks to communication, we can understand and care for them much better. I had the opportunity to communicate with a dog we adopted; he had both psychological and physical trauma. When we adopted him, he was nervous, but with communication, we managed to understand him, and with the necessary care, he was able to adapt to us. It’s amazing how animal communication helps us humans to get to know them better. Thanks to people like Amania for helping us with our pets.

Melissa, Costa Rica

Hola, la experiencia fue muy buena ya que me ayudo a mi y a mi hija a poder cerrar un capítulo con lo de nuestra gatita pérdida, nos ayudó a entender que ellos solamente cumplen un ciclo y nos acompañan para cumplir su razón, gracias

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Hello, the experience was very good as it helped both me and my daughter to close a chapter regarding our lost kitten. It helped us understand that they only go through a cycle and accompany us to fulfill their purpose. Thank you.

Sari Weisleder, Costa Rica

Un gusto trabajar con Amania.  Buena atendiendo a mis perritos y muy buena atención a los humanos tambien!  Muchas gracias por toda tu ayuda

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A pleasure to work with Amania. Great care for my dogs and excellent attention to humans as well! Thank you very much for all your help!

Clemence, France

J’ai contacté Amania pour ma petite chatte Nina, qui suite à notre emménagement et la vie commune avec mon chat d’avant Sid, s’est mise à uriner régulièrement sur notre lit.

Après une séance avec Amania, le maître de Nina mon conjoint et moi même, nous avons pu mettre en place des solutions adaptées, et Amania a prodigué des soins à Nina et Sid.
Nous n’avons plus eu de soucis avec Nina pendant 6 mois. En recontactant Amania suite à de nouveaux accidents, on s’est aperçu qu’elle avait sûrement des cristaux au niveaux des reins très peu détectable par les vétérinaires. Nous sommes retournés chez le vétérinaire, et Nina avait bien des cristaux dans le sang. 

Nous avons pu la soigner grâce à Amania qui lui a fait un soin, et nous maintenons une attention accrue.

Nina urine moins souvent sur notre lit depuis, c’est une habitude qu’elle a prise suite aux calculs qu’elle avait, trouvant le lit plus confortable que sa caisse. 

Je recommande les séances avec Amania qui m’ont permis de lier un lien avec Nina beaucoup plus fort, en me rassurant sur l’état psychologique de Nina vis à vis de ma présence dans son foyer, et qui mets très souvent le doigt de manière très juste sur des problèmes physiques pas toujours visibles par les vétérinaires.

Leurs actions conjointes sont d’excellents soins pour nos boules de poils, et Amania prodigue ses soins avec beaucoup d’amour et de bienveillance pour les animaux et les humains.

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Sid, started urinating regularly on our bed.

After a session with Amania, my partner, Nina’s owner, and I were able to implement suitable solutions, and Amania provided care to both Nina and Sid.

We didn’t have any issues with Nina for 6 months. When we contacted Amania again after new accidents, we realized that she likely had kidney crystals that were very difficult for veterinarians to detect. We went back to the vet, and Nina did indeed have crystals in her blood.

Thanks to Amania’s care and treatment, we were able to address the issue, and we now maintain increased vigilance. Nina urinates on our bed less often, which had become a habit due to the discomfort caused by the crystals, as she found the bed more comfortable than her litter box.

I highly recommend sessions with Amania, which helped me establish a much stronger bond with Nina, reassuring me about her psychological state regarding my presence in her home. Amania often accurately identifies physical problems that may not always be visible to veterinarians.

Their combined efforts provide excellent care for our furry friends, and Amania delivers her care with a lot of love and compassion for both animals and humans.

Dennia Zamora, Costa Rica

Para mi la Comunicación Interespecies  ha sido el medio para profundizar, comprender y apoyar a mis compañeras animales en temas puntuales de nerviosismo… una de ellas con la lluvia/tormenta y la otra al ser un tanto esquiva al acariciarla.

La experiencia de Amania como canal de comunicación ha sido muy grata, veraz, sensible y a la vez una guía para no solo identificar la situación, sino para proponer desde el respeto y el amor a nuestros animales, alternativas para sanarnos como familia y mejorar nuestra convivencia.

He recomendado a Amania como una excelente Comunicadora Interespecies y he recibido gratos comentarios de vuelta.

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For me, interspecies communication has been the means to delve deeper, understand, and support my animal companions in specific issues related to nervousness. One of them has anxiety related to rain and storms, while the other is somewhat elusive when it comes to petting.

The experience with Amania as a communication channel has been very pleasant, truthful, sensitive, and also a guide not only to identify the situation but to propose, with respect and love for our animals, alternatives to heal as a family and improve our coexistence.

I have recommended Amania as an excellent interspecies communicator and have received positive feedback in return.

Vera, Costa Rica

Tuve con Amania varias comunicación porque tengo 3 gatos. Había problemas de tensión entre ellos y uno se orinaba en la cama. Gracias al trabajo de Amania, pude notar un cambio relevante en el comportamiento de mis gatos, las relaciones se suavizaron y el gato paro de urina donde no era. También su Sanación energética funciono muy bien con mi gato que se ve mas animado y fuerte. Le agradezco un montón, a sido un trabajo muy bonito.

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I had several communications with Amania because I have three cats. There were tension issues among them, and one of them was urinating on the bed. Thanks to Amania’s work, I noticed a significant change in my cats’ behavior. Their relationships became smoother, and the cat stopped urinating where it shouldn’t. Amania’s energy healing also worked well for my cat, who seems more lively and strong. I’m very grateful; it has been a beautiful job.

Libia Fernández, Costa Rica

La comunicación animal es increíble poder conocer lo que nuestras mascotas sienten y piensan, gracias a la comunicación se les puede corregir conductas y conocer si están basando por algún problema a nivel de salud, yo tuve la oportunidad de comunicarme con mi perrita la cual estaba presentando episodios de incontinencia urinaria, esos episodios se presentaron de pronto y sin ningún motivo visible y fue por medio de la comunicación con ella que se logró detectar el problema que solo estaba generando el alimento que se le estaba dando en ese momento, además aproveche la comunicación porque mi cachorra en ocasiones me mordía mientras jugábamos y por medio de la comunicación se le explicó que no se debía de jugar de esa manera y el cambio fue inmediato, es increíble realmente poder contar con esta herramienta ya que es de suma ayuda para poder comprender a nuestras mascotas… Le estoy sumamente agradecida a Amania por ayudarme con mi mascota.

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Animal communication is incredible; it allows us to understand what our pets feel and think. Thanks to communication, we can correct their behavior and determine if they are experiencing any health issues. I had the opportunity to communicate with my dog, who was experiencing episodes of urinary incontinence that appeared suddenly and without any visible cause. It was through communication with her that we detected the problem, which was solely related to the food she was being given at that time. I also used communication because my puppy would sometimes bite me while playing, and through communication, it was explained to her that this behavior was not acceptable. The change was immediate. It’s truly amazing to have this tool because it is immensely helpful in understanding our pets. I am extremely grateful to Amania for helping me with my pet.

Clary, Pedro y Tobi, Costa Rica

Our dog Tobi use to be very nervous when Ivo (our daughter’s dog) wasn’t around. Desperately we contacted Amania and she was able to understand the problem of Tobi really fast. We then accommodated  things differently according to her advices. 

Now Tobi is calmer, he sleeps well when Ivo is not around and he no longer needs medication. It’s incredible how he changed his behavior in relation to Ivo. He is more affectionate and receptive, takes orders and walks loose without leaving. We are really happy with the work of Amania and would recommend her.

Sylvène, Paris, France Sept 2023

La rencontre avec Amania que m’avait recommandée une amie de 20 ans m’a apporté réconfort et inspiration.

Malabar notre amour de chien venait de nous quitter après 15 ans de vie commune et le déchirement était très éprouvant quand cette amie m’a recommandé  de consulter Amania.

Après un bref échange par mails et l’envoi de photos de notre chien, un rv fut posé et avec grande simplicité nous avons pu évoquer avec Amania la vie de Malabar, elle a su trouver les mots pour nous transmettre des images positives et réconfortantes du nouvel état de malabar rappelant que l’amour ne s’arrête jamais et nous invitant à continuer le contact avec lui même avec son changement de forme et de matière.

Deux semaines peu plus tard, nous avons repris contact avec Amania et toujours aussi facilement, rapidement, simplement le contact avec elle pour un nouveau visio fut établi. De nouveau, lumineuse communication et connexion profonde et simple.

Cela a produit apaisement et intégration de la perte.

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My meeting with Amania, recommended by a friend of 20 years, brought me comfort and inspiration.

Malabar, our beloved dog, had just left us after 15 years of companionship, and the grief was very challenging when this friend recommended consulting Amania.

After a brief exchange of emails and sending photos of our dog, we scheduled an appointment. With great simplicity, we were able to discuss Malabar’s life with Amania. She found the words to convey positive and comforting images of Malabar’s new state, reminding us that love never ends and inviting us to continue our connection with him, even in his changed form and substance.

Two weeks later, we contacted Amania again, and once again, the contact with her was easy, quick, and simple as we set up a new video session. Once again, there was a luminous communication and a deep and simple connection.

This brought us peace and helped us integrate the loss.

Sylvène’s Daughter

Bonjour, J’ai 14 ans et malgré mon âge,  j’ai été très touchée par l’échange que nous avons eu avec ma mère et Amania car j’avais de nombreuses questions qui m’inquiétaient par rapport  à mon chien décédé il y a  peu et elle a su y répondre et apaiser mes peurs. Je suis beaucoup plus tranquille maintenant et je l’en remercie.

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Hello, I’m 14 years old, and despite my age, I was deeply moved by the conversation we had with my mother and Amania because I had many questions that were worrying me about my recently deceased dog. She was able to answer them and calm my fears. I am much more at ease now, and I thank her for it.

Holistic Healing & Finca la Pipilacha Testimonials

Claudia, AL

If you are looking for a healing session that can truly transform your life, look no further! Do yourself a favor and book a session with Amania.

She knows her stuff. (-: I had four sessions in total and with Amania’s help I was able to experience more transformation on a deep level than in several years of therapy.

Working with Amania is fun and the good news is that you can also do it from overseas.

I also had the privilege to be a guest at her magical Finca Pipilacha, a true healing place with lots of beautiful animals and nature spirits. I can recommend this little slice of paradise and her energy sessions 100%.  Thank you Amania for everything!”

Arjun, Great Britain

 Staying with Amania at Finca Pipilacha was a magical experience which we could not have planned for. Set amongst 14 acres of lush mountainous greenery, the circular wooden living area is fitting for its environment – it almost feels like a dome has sprung from the earth naturally, in fact Amania (along with some local support) designed and built the space from scratch – it feels authentic and thoughtful. There is a serene energy which permeates the area which mean that horses, cats, dogs, monkeys and toucans live in harmony – we were lucky to feed the horses breakfast twice during our 4 night stay. The outdoor shower overlooks a tropical scene and there is ample space perfectly designed to meditate and practice yoga or anything else! Fresh fruit and cooked local breakfasts made with love to start the day. Amania really cares for her guests and made the stay memorable on many levels. We’ll certainly be back…

Martin, Canada

Choisir en tant que voyageur de visiter la Finca Pipilacha d’Amania permet de vous connecter avec le côté magique de la vie. Il se passe quelque chose en sa présence qui encourage l’expression et l’ouverture du cœur. Entouré de montagnes et de terres agricoles, l’endroit est magnifique et paisible. Amania nous accueille dans sa jolie maison qu’elle a conceptualisée et construite avec une signature artistique très fonctionnelle. Je me souviendrai de ces moments magiques où ses chevaux sont apparus en courant vers la grande fenêtre derrière la maison pour chercher de petites gâteries et de la tendresse matinale. Les petits déjeuners qu’elle propose sont préparés avec beaucoup d’amour et d’attention et ouvrent un espace de discussions profondes et authentiques. Je le recommande fortement à tous ceux qui se sentent prêts à recevoir un cadeau de la vie. Merci Amania pour ton accueil, ta présence, ton écoute, ta disponibilité et ta générosité, j’en garde un souvenir très précieux.

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Choosing to visit Amania’s Finca Pipilacha as a traveler allows you to connect with the magical side of life. There’s something about her presence that encourages expression and opens the heart. Surrounded by mountains and farmland, the place is beautiful and peaceful. Amania welcomes us into her lovely home, which she has conceptualized and built with a highly functional artistic signature. I will remember those magical moments when her horses appeared, running towards the large window behind the house, seeking treats and morning affection. The breakfasts she offers are prepared with a lot of love and attention and create space for deep and authentic discussions. I highly recommend it to anyone who feels ready to receive a gift from life. Thank you, Amania, for your hospitality, presence, listening, availability, and generosity. I cherish the memories dearly.

Pippa, AS

Magnificent beauty created by magical kind creative Amania who creates beauty in every nook and cranny..take the fortune to have breakfast or dinner with her lovingly created fresh delectable food and style. the bed is incredible sheets and cover soft clean..the view is sensational. I could easily just stay here and not move.. this is a healing energy and space nesting the mountains..with horses cat and senior sweet dog .. come and treat yourself. I feel so filled and held and received such powerful healing from being here. Amania is in tune with unique healing of oils and other gifts and tunes into what is needed . thanks to this stay I will go with a light within full of inspiration and learning…

Pamela, USA

My experience at Finca Pipilacha was truly magical. It is a place to come home to nature. Amania is truly part of this magical farm and is a steward of this land and this magic. I am so happy that the airbnb gods guided me toward this beautiful place. I am grateful to Amania for sharing her home and I loved being there with other guests. Usually I avoid shared spaces but Amania’s environment brings out the best in everyone. I am a horse lover and I was happy to have the company of her 3 beautiful horses. Amania’s mountain forest is somewhere you want to be. I wish everyone could experience this place just once! I highly recommend Amania’s services and healing sessions. I would need hours to fully be able to describe this place and it’s wonder to you so just go see for yourself! I feel better than I have in a very long time. Thank you Amania, Thiago, Noches, Kaleema, Chimi, Shuda and Plume, all the trees, the land, the sunsets and the whole Finca!

Jessie Litven, Canada

Amania’s place is incredibly magical; it was so much more than we imagined! In addition to breathtaking views and a house that’s literally a piece of art, we also loved spending time with Amania (we had a few dance parties in that amazing shared living room with the view!), sharing meals, exchanging stories, and even had some healing sessions with her. For a reasonable fee, she lead us through her property on a kind of nature-communication tour, giving us the opportunity to really connect with the land, trees, rocks, animals. Wifi was good, kitchen was so well-equipped, friendly house animals, and we also fed the horses. Amania is amazingly laid-back about sharing her space, and wants you to really enjoy yourself while you are there. As my travel companion and I are both builders, we were completely enchanted with the house design & construction, with so much wood from the property, stained glass by Amania, etc . Outdoor shower was one of the best showers I’ve ever had!

Lucie, France

Where to start.. this place is a gem! It’s definitely one of the most incredible places I’ve stayed in. The house itself is a piece of art, every detail is stunning & feels unique. The view is to take your breath away. The horses come to the window in the morning, there are cows in the fields, cats relaxing & playing & a very friendly dog 🙂 Perfect place for an animal lover like me, seeking a bit of peace while travelling. Amania is a fantastic host, she spent time with us, cooked us delicious breakfast & gave us plenty of tips for things to do in the area, as well as helping us to book tours with locals. She is a talented artist, a peaceful & adorable person, she makes this place very special & charged with a beautiful energy. I stayed longer than I had planned, I didn’t want to leave! And I hope I’ll be able to return soon 🙂 My stay at Amania’s was the highlight of my stay in Costa Rica & I think all my words don’t do enough justice to the experience! Just go 😉

Jonathan, USA

 what an extraordinary stay. the place itself was stunning, a lovely mix of the natural world and a beautifully built structure. we spent a lot of time with the host who designed and built the place herself. we were in awe of her life, the experiences she offered, and her relationships with the animals on the property. __ it’s by mere chance i stumbled upon Amania’s home. i now feel blessed by fate. thank you Amania for sharing your home, peace, and life with me. i will carry moments of my time here for a long time. looking back, i’m reminded of a favoured quote from an architecture book “What we seek, at the deepest level, is inwardly to resemble, rather than physically to possess, the objects and places that touch us through their beauty.”

Michael, Great Britain

This was our best ever Airbnb experience. We sometimes feel awkward sharing a space but Amania made us feel so welcome and at home. I can’t describe the feeling leaving here… I have not felt so peaceful in a long long time. The surroundings are breathtaking, the climate is just right, (warm but not difficult to sleep or hike). There is a whole host of amazing animals that live in the surroundings (we saw monkeys, coral snakes, agouti, coati, horses). The price is so cheap for the experience, honestly – with the breakfast included (which was amazing, homemade pancakes, tipico Costa Rican breakfasts with hand made tortilla). I know this will probably read like I have been paid to say this but I really haven’t – just on a high leaving such an amazing place and such an amazing host. Would love to come back to visit one day!

Gina, Canada

Finca la Pipilacha is a magical and mystical place. I had the absolute pleasure of spending a month here over Christmas. Amania is a dream host and welcomes you with open arms. Her love and passion for the Finca is evident in every space throughout the 40 acres as well as the reflection in all the creatures big and small that call the Finca home. The shared living space is clean, inviting, spacious and creative. The bed and linen were very comfortable and I had many deep restful sleeps. The views are breathtaking. The breakfasts were always beautifully presented and nutritious. Many trails and special places to meditate, reflect. The comical horses, sweet dog and cats are all extensions of the magic of this place and Amania (who is an intuitive animal communicator). I highly recommend a stay at Finca la Pipilacha for couples, solo travellers, families, retreats and even a magical place for an elopement. You will be surrounded by beauty and feel the Finca and Amania work their magic.

Noemi, France

We stayed 3 nights in this paradise. The Finca is huge, so beautiful and peaceful. Amania’s house is not just a house but a true work of art. We are very grateful to have met Amania. She is a beautiful woman on the outside, as well as on the inside, funny and full of beautiful energies. Our daughter and us will miss spending time with Amania and her lovely animals (cat, dog, horses…) We highly recommend !